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美国Concordia University系统为全美私立学校中拥有最多分校系统的高等学府,其它包括 Concordia University, Ann Arbor, MI ,Concordia University Texas, Austin,TX, Concordia University, Irvine, CA , Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, WI , Concordia University - Portland, Portland , OR, Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, IL, Concordia University, St. Paul, MN, Concordia University Nebraska, Seward, NE 等10所分校。

CU-Wisconsin美国威斯康星协和大学成立于1881年,已有一百多年悠久历史,为Concordia University系统中最大的分校,其优秀校友遍布全球各地,由于本校是全美公认校园环境最安全的大学之一(排名TOP10),因此就读的学生大部份来自贵族家庭,并以美国白人家庭及欧洲各国学生为主。美国前任总统小布什于2004年5月14日荣获CU-Wisconsin荣誉博士并至学校参加毕业典礼及发表演说。



美国威斯康星协和大学工商管理硕士学位(Master of Business Administration,MBA)在国际上享有极高的知名度和美誉度。从1996年开始,Concordia University与国际学术教育(新加坡)中心( Worldwide Academic Education (S) Pte Ltd )共同针对亚洲地区开展MBA学术教育体系的研究工作,并重点研究亚太市场。并于2008年起,依亚洲对高等教育的需求,规划于中国大陆及台湾、马来西亚等国开设国际企管硕士课程。并于 2009 年1月正式开办第一届CU-Wisconsin-线上学分课程。

  1.2005~2015 年10 年连续获选全美最佳大学,2015 Top前61 名(USNews-America’ Best College 2015,University-Master's(Midwest) 资料来源:U.S. News & World Report 官方网站
2. 2015 年全美商学院远程课程排行榜Top117 名U.S.
3. 中华人民共和国教育部教育涉外监管信息网(认可名单)资料来源:涉外监管官方网站
4. 台湾教育部认可名单 资料来源:官方网站
5. 美国六大教育联盟认可(North Central Association)
6. 美国高等教育认证委员会认证:
7. 美国大学商业教育国际协会认可(International Assembly for Collegiate business Education)
8. 中华人民共和国留学网(认可名单)
9. 美国威斯康星协和大学美国本部网址

CUW Gets Top Ranking on List of America’s Best Colleges
美克旺,美国威斯康星州 - 威斯康星协和大学被评为美国中西部一个顶级大师的大学在美国新闻与世界报导的最新评级年度美国最佳大学。
最新排名公布 08月20日2009年为 CUW继续其每年的传统,为顶级学校由美国新闻与世界报导。
1400多所学校有资格类别分为基本分类的基础上成立于 2006年由卡内基基金会的先进性的教学。这是怎样的卡内基基本类型转化为美国新闻与世界报导类别所用的2010年版的美国最佳大学。
公司成立于 1881年,肯考迪亚大学威斯康星州的主校区约 200亩,位于风景秀丽的密歇根湖岸边在12800北路湖滨大道,美克旺。这所大学和17个中心和教室康科迪亚位置家7178本科生和研究生,传统以及非传统学生来自 44个国家和26个外国国家。该大学提供60个本科专业,14个硕士学位课程,博士学位药剂学,物理治疗和护理实践。此外,还有各种成人的学习机会。


It is my pleasure to welcome you to Concordia University Wisconsin. You are now one of 6500 plus other students enrolled at our prestigious university and one of 650 in the MBA program. The MBA is offered in 14 locations in the U.S. and now three abroad. We have a long history of serving Taiwanese students with an excellent academic program, and have been one of the innovators in reaching your nation with a flexible initiative.

There are many MBA programs to choose from but few with the combination of regional and professional accreditation and native speaking faculty and staff.Along with Dr. Jack and Dr. Carol, we know that you will be well served domestically. Here in the university, is your contact should there be any concerns. Concordia University Wisconsin is a top tier institution as reported by US News and World Reports. You will be proud to attend and graduate from this university, which has served students since 1881.Congratulations on your university and program selection.


Dr. David Borst
Dean, School of Business and Legal Studies


I encourage you to consider enrolling in an exciting Master’s of Business Administration (MBA). It has been a great honor for me to represent the School of Business at Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW) which has made this quality MBA program available for us in Taiwan.

As a director with backgrounds in both business administration and higher education, I can attest that our quality Taiwan MBA Program will not only provide you with essential professional knowledge and skills, but also with the contemporary insights necessary for further developing your capabilities for global leadership. Our Program emphasizes creating a learning environment of engaged dialogue and enthusiastic instruction. The Program focuses on inspiring already busy leaders to share their experiences and to build a broader understanding of how to make a bigger contribution to building a better business world.

The curriculum of the MBA Program in Taiwan is fully-accredited by the North Central Accreditation. Like the CUW-MBA curriculum, our Program in Taiwan is adapted to meet the needs of students, and the required courses are similar to those offered by most Asian institution such as the National Taiwan University, the National Chengchi University, and the Peking University. The opportunity for our students to complete their degree programs through convenient timing of courses on weekends and by distance learning resources makes the Program more attractive to our busy business leaders.

The Program faculty team includes professors from CUW, guest professor from Taiwan universities, and current business and government leaders in Taiwan. With each Program course, both CUW and Taiwanese professors team teach content to integrate theory and practice. Case studies and projects on Asian and international business issues allow students to share experiences and knowledge with each other and with invited guest presenters.

Our MBA Program is an excellent opportunity to further your education in a quality international and practical learning environment.

Join us to engage the future!


Dr. Jack Fei Yang
Associate Professor
Official Representative of the CUW-MBA Program in Taiwan, ROC


Concordia University Wisconsin